Monday, April 25, 2011


This orzo pasta is amazing!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

100 Things: Part Seven

I have no more excuses for why I don't do my 100 Things every week.  I forget is basically it.  So I will just have to get around to it when I have time.  Sorry for the delay. 
51.Mint Tea

52.Recieving Good News 

53.Coming to the End of the School Semester

54.My Iphone

55.Shabby Chic

56.Discovering New Places 




60.Sound of Records Playing

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lazy Sunday Post

My lack of blogging can only be blamed on school.  It has come to the end of the semester, when everything is due, and my life has been taken away from me.  I know my professors get together and decide that they will all have their major projects and test due the same week, I just know they do.  Uhg!  If I can get through these next two weeks, then I can do anything.  I have several things I want to blog about, it's just going to come least for now.

I am trying to become interested in books like my mom and sister.  They are always giving me books to read that I never finish.  Since my life has been taken away from me, I think about the things that I can do when I get it back.  Reading is going to be one of them.  I am promising myself that I will read these two books that are sitting beside my bed just waited to be read.  Shiver and The Girl Who Chased The Moon.  I am actually looking forward to seeing how they end!  That's crazy coming from me. 
What are you reading these days?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Bag

I had to show you my latest addition to my handbag collection/obsession.  It's not a real Alexander Wang, but it's close to it.  I love it so very much and it magically goes with everything.  All for now.


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